Notkun leysimerkingar í matvælapakkaiðnaði
Í daglegu lífi munu neytendur, matvælaframleiðendur og dreifingaraðilar taka eftir merkingum matvæla. Consumers pay attention to food labeling to ensure that they are exposed to food with quality assurance within the shelf life, food manufacturers and distributors pay attention to food labeling to facilitate product management, good food labeling can also help food manufacturers gain brand trust.
At present, the mainstream labeling technology is code spraying technology and laser labeling technology, but the code spraying technology is not suitable for the food industry, the ink in the code contains lead and other heavy metal toxic elements, if the ink spraying contact with food , það verða öryggisvandamál. Because of its technical principle, laser marking technology will not produce any harmful substances after marking, and the marking information is permanently marked and cannot be erased, completely eliminating the possibility of tampering with the mark, and adding a guarantee for food safety.
Hvað geta vélar okkar gert í matvælaiðnaðinum?
Laseramerking Chuke getur einnig dregið úr rekstrarvörum og hjálpað matvælaframleiðendum að draga úr framleiðslukostnaði. Allt framleiðsluferlið er grænt og mengunarlaust, sem tryggir heilsu rekstraraðila vélarinnar.